Join our working groups!

The groups listed below have chosen to be open to all in order to improve collaboration and accelerate the agro-ecological transition.
Feel free to explore them, join them and take part!

Agr’eau – Crop monitoring

Logo Agr'eau

Group dedicated to crop monitoring within the network: technical itinerary, tools, crops, and farming practices. Share your respective experiences via the dedicated form or simply with a photo and a comment.
Together, we’re building agroecology.



Large-scale Crops

Agr’eau – Cover crops monitoring

Logo Agr'eau

Group dedicated to cover crops monitoring within the network: Summer covers, winter covers.
Share your respective experiences via the dedicated form or a simple photo with a comment.
Together we build agroecology.



Large-scale Crops : Cover crops

Agr’eau – Winegrowers

Logo Agr'eau
Group of pioneering winemakers :
Peer exchange to foster innovation in viticultural practices.




Agr’eau – Breeding

Logo Agr'eau
Exchanges between breeders and group facilitators on herd autonomy, grazing, and woody forages.



Breeding : Forages

Agr’eau – Biostimulants

Logo Agr'eau
Exchange group on alternative fertilization techniques to minimize inputs and enhance farm autonomy and economy.



Large-scale Crops

Agr’eau – Plant associations

Logo Agr'eau
This group allows for sharing crop association experiments and agroecological trial monitoring. Mainly Associated Rapeseed
Dedicated Trial Monitoring Form



Large-scale Crops

The tree and the agricultural hedge

tree and Landscape in Champagne
Monitoring and exchange group around agroforestry training by AFAF (Association Française d’Agroforesterie): ‘Woody Forage,’ ‘Pollard Trees,’ ‘Tree Pruning and Trimming,’ ‘Harmonizing Approaches in Viticulture,’ ‘Mycorrhizae’…



Agroforestry, Viticulture, Forage, Vegetable Growing

Cover crops in Champagne

tree and Landscape in Champagne

This group showcases the work of members of the GIEE (Economic and Environmental Interest Grouping) on Cover Crops in Champagne, and of the Association Arbre et Paysage en Champagne.




Agroforestry, Viticulture : Cover crops

Vegetables ACS

The first Veggie Field Plot in ACS

Vegetable production in conservation agriculture, on areas that can be medium to very large, and therefore mechanized.
Specialized systems, new technical routes, different approach vs Living Soil Vegetable Growing


France - Belgium - Netherlands

Vegetable production in ACS

Cover crops contest in Vineyard

Photos and comments on cover crops practices in vineyards:
Selection of cover crop species, density, etc.


France : Champagne

Viticulture, Cover Crops

OSCAR – obs. Grape varieties

oscar's logo
Participatory experimentation group for varietal innovation in viticulture:
Topic: Input Reduction. Monitoring agronomic behavior and technical choices for varieties resistant to mildew and powdery mildew; variety innovation strategy.





"Mets toi aux vers" logo
Welcome to “Mets-toi aux vers !” 🎉🎉🎉
Sharing practices (photos, contests, etc.) on soil fertility in vineyards.
Dedicated form


France : Champagne

Viticulture: Cover Crops

Albret-sols cover crops

oscar's logo
This group is at your disposal to share your experiences of soil cover. Cover crops, permanent cover, tree and hedge planting within the farming system. All your testimonials and photos are welcome to collectively optimize the agronomic quality of agricultural soils and strengthen soil structure against the risk of erosion.



Large-scale Crops, Cover Crops, Agroforestry


"Mets toi aux vers" logo
The collaborative tree knowledge sharing network :
This group features a collaborative database for tree species and their cultivars with focus on their use in agroforestry systems. Developed as part of the EU-funded Agromix project. Join to share your tree species knowledge and learn from your peers




Iberian Community of agroforestry and mixed farming

oscar's logo

A virtual community of agroforestry systems and mixed cropping to:
– find information on how agroforestry systems and mixed farming can increase the productivity, profitability and sustainability of agro-livestock farms.
– learn about the experiences of other farmers
– share information about your agroforestry systems




ALMANAC (Vegetable growing in orchad)

"Mets toi aux vers" logo
The ALMANAC group on Landfiles allows for sharing observations, photos, experiences, and results regarding orchard-market gardens.
It constitutes an extension of the SMART project, with a restricted core in the southeast in 2023, and more widely open from 2024 onwards. This online space aims to facilitate connections among market gardeners to enhance skills through sharing experiences on well-defined and shared topics.


France: South East

Orchards, Vegetable growing

Mountains in Algeria

oscar's logo

The production systems adopted by farmers in the Setif region across three agro-ecological zones differentiated by gradients of aridity: the mountainous zone in the north, the central zone of high plateaus, and the southern zone of low plateaus.
Discovering practices of mixed systems and agroforestry.



Large-scale crops, livestock farming, agroforestry

Fabio (Biodiversity in the vineyards)

"Mets toi aux vers" logo
Enhancing and developing biodiversity in the vineyard: planting trees and hedges, planting flower strips, installing nesting boxes, observing remarkable insects and plants…
To share as much information as possible to showcase the biodiversity of our vineyard and to highlight everyone’s actions.


France - Côte d'Or


Inter-AGIT+ : Interactions between Farmers to Manage Intercultures on a Territorial Scale for More Sustainable Farming Activities

Inter-AGIT+ (Interactions between Farmers to Manage Intercultures on a Territorial Scale) supports livestock farmers and cereal growers to promote grazing of intercultures and sustainable mixed cropping-livestock farming.
The project is studying the agronomic and zootechnical impacts of this practice, and overcoming the technical, social, economic and legal obstacles. 
It proposes robust and fair systems, and develops participative tools to strengthen partnerships between livestock farmers and cereal growers.



Mixed farming, livestock