Find out which groups are making progress with Landfiles

Logo Agr'eau

Study of the impact of a coating on emergence

Field test management :
Biostimulant action on plant cover crops

📍 Sud-Ouest
Cap Protéines logo

Manage crop performance

Animation and field tests:
Monitoring soil fertility indicators and crop performance on rapeseed

📍Entire France
oscar's logo

Creation of a varietal repository

Study of the agronomic and qualitative behavior of grapevine varietal innovations

📍Entire France
Terres inovia's logo

Pest identification challenge

Participatory challenge: identify, share and automate diagnostics on field crop pests

📍Entire France
Ocealia's logo

Monitor pests and diseases

Monitor the development of pests and diseases in field crops and issue alert bulletins

📍 West
"Mets toi aux vers" logo

Agroecological practices competition

Group facilitation :
85 winegrowers share their experience of regenerative practices

Arbre et paysage en champagne logo

Testing new technical itineraries

Animation and trials: a collective dynamic to improve viticultural practices

logo uapl

Generate technical flashes

Monitor and share phenological stages, risks and changes in vineyard practices


Discover the open groups that can welcome you