Bulk upload of data onto the TreeFiles database

If you would like to contribute to the TreeFiles database and would like to add data on many different tree species, cultivars and/or locations it may be easier to use the bulk upload option instead of posting multiple observations. The bulk data upload is done by using an Excel template. The data that is provided in the bulk upload will not be connected to a specific Farm, or a Plot, on the Landfiles platform.

How to do it

  1. Download the Excel template here
  2. Enter your data into the Excel template: The instructions on how to enter data into the Excel is listed in the first and second tab of the excel. The data is entered in the third tab Datasheet. If you have any questions regarding entering of data, send an email to: isabella.selinnoren[@]wur.nl
  3. Save your Excel and send it to this address: support[@]landfiles.com


Good luck and thank you for sharing your knowledge!